Gallopade Publishing Group New York Symbols Bookmark 9780635061942 Outlines

Gallopade Publishing Group New York Symbols Bookmark 9780635061942 Outlines

Gallopade Publishing Group New York Symbols Bookmark 9780635061942 Outlines

Other pride symbols include the pink or black triangle, Labrys (double-bladed ax), Leather Pride Flag, Lamda, Bear Pride Flag, Bear Brotherhood Flag, Purple Rhino, freedom rings, Bisexual Pride Flag, Transgender symbol, Bisexual Symbol, red ribbon, etc.

There used to be a time where being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual or having some kind of fixation wasn’t something to celebrate, but in today’s accepting society there is nothing preventing you from displaying pride in your sexual orientation.

The twelve classic Astrological signs are: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.

Throughout history symbolism has play an important part in how we communicate with each other. In the beginning it was a form of speech, a way to record history or even used to ward off evil spirits or to bring luck. Nowadays we each have our own symbols that have deep meanings to us and those around us, and one way to display our symbols is to have them etched on our bodies.

When you are choosing a tattoo symbol, it is important that you fully understand its various meanings in case one of them is unwanted. For example, what if you really liked the symbol of two stylized lightning bolts, but then found out that it was associated with the German Nazi SS troops and biker gangs? You may want to reconsider this symbol.

Whatever symbol you choose, it is going to be with you forever, so choose carefully and make sure you are 100% comfortable with your choice before you proceed.
